Do I know how to?


NO or N/A



Clinical Assessment and Management

Clinically assess and manage Covid-19 in the community.




Refer to: NHSE/I Guidance and standard operating procedures. General practice in the context of coronavirus (COVID-19)


 Quick read: Red Whale GEMS -COVID-19: Standard operating procedures (SOPs) for primary care 15.4.20


Quick read: Red Whale, GEMS protocol. This is not a guideline but is informed by authoritative advice 8.4.20


Quick read: BMJ article Coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19): a guide for UK GPs


Quick read: BMJ Visual Summary: What should I do if I suspect patient may have coronavirus disease?


Online learning: NB Medical education free on-demand webinar in three 30 minute modules


Online learning: Covid-19 Management in a Primary Care Hub - Experience from Harrow Hot Hub, 8 minute video  from 6.4.20


Refer to: COVID-19 rapid guideline : managing symptoms in the community: NICE guideline [NG163]


Refer to: COVID-19 rapid guideline:  managing suspected or confirmed pneumonia in adults in the community. NICE guideline [NG165]

Make decisions about which patients unwell with suspected Covid-19 require hospital admission.

Discuss risks, benefits and options with patients, families, carers and specialist colleagues.




Quick read:: Care at Home in Somerset - our joint approach to keeping people where they are best  supported


Quick read: Visual summary- Hospital  admission decision making aid for Somerset 



Online learning: SGPET video tutorial - Treatment Escalation Planning Conversations


Online learning: SGPET video tutorial Assessment and decisions about place of care for those with suspected Covid-19


Manage Covid-19 patients at the end of life in the community


Refer to: Somerset plans for end of life care in the community


Refer to: COVID-19 rapid guideline: managing symptoms (including at the end of life) in the community NICE guideline [NG163]


Online learning: SGPET series of video tutorials from local specialists on the Somerset Covid-19 End of Life group.  Topics covered include:

Overview. TEP conversations. Clinical Assessment. Managing Symptoms. Care of the Dying Person. After Death Care. Professional  Wellbeing


Refer to:  A guide  to End of Life Care symptom control when a person is dying from COVID19 prepared by the RCGP & the Association for Palliative Medicine

Advise and manage patients with  chronic respiratory  disease during Covid-19



Quick read: Red Whale GEMS protocol: Managing respiratory disease during COVID-19


Quick read: Primary Care Respiratory Society’s, PCRS Pragmatic Guidance for crisis management of asthma and COPD during the UK Covid-19 epidemic


Online learning: 30 minute module from RCGP- Managing Patients with  Chronic Respiratory Problems in Primary Care During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Adhere to  new guidance about death certification during coronavirus outbreak


Refer to: Somerset LMC guidance and visual summary- Covid-19 Death Certification and Cremation


Online learning: COVID-19. After death care in Somerset

Downloadable slide set


Quick read: Red Whale GEMS - COVID-19: Death in the community Updated 15/4/2020.


Online learning: View RCGP 5 minute screencast summarising the latest changes in death certification, in response to COVID-19

Remote Consultation and Triaging

Carry out telephone triage and telephone consultation


Online learning: SGPET Rapid Induction into Telephone Triage 30 minute video tutorial.

Online learning: SGPET series of additional video tutorials about the five steps of telephone triage.

Carry out a high quality video consultation


Read: Quick pictorial  guide Video consultation

information for GPs

Carry out a “query Covid” consultation remotely


Quick read: BMJ article Covid-19: a remote assessment in primary care, 25.3.20


Quick read: Covid-19: BMJ Visual summary to assessing patients by video or voice call


Online learning: RCGP Telephone Triage series of 4 podcasts 7-12 mins long which cover general points and specific Covid 19 scenarios.

Carry out telephone triage and consultation with translation service


Refer to: Somerset CCG advice on use of Language Empire translation services during Covid-19 outbreak.

Infection Prevention and Control

Find up to date online national guidance


Refer to Public Health England updated online resources COVID-19: infection prevention and control (IPC)

Advise patients with  Covid-19 symptoms on self-isolation


Refer to: Public Health England Stay at home: guidance for households with possible coronavirus (COVID-19) infection.

Advise vulnerable patients and their families about shielding


Refer to: Public Health England: COVID-19: guidance on shielding and protecting people defined on medical grounds as extremely vulnerable.

When and how to use Personal Protective Equipment PPE


Refer to: Public Health England guidance COVID-19 personal protective equipment (PPE). Includes list of procedures are currently considered to be potentially infectious AGPs for COVID-19.


Quick read: Public Health England visual summary Recommended PPE for primary, outpatient, community

and social care by setting, NHS and independent sector


Quick read: Public Health England Visual Summary Putting on personal protective equipment (PPE)

for non-aerosol generating procedures (AGPs)


Quick read: Public Health England Visual Summary Taking off personal protective equipment (PPE)

for non-aerosol generating procedures (AGPs)


Online learning: Public Health England video- Putting on and Taking off PPE, a guide for health and social care settings

Professional Wellbeing during the pandemic

Follow some simple ways of looking after myself


















Get local advice and help



Get national advice and help



Quick Read: Top Tips for Own Health by Dr Andrew Tresidder


Online learning: Looking after Your Professional Heath, Parts 1&2. Video presentations and slide sets


Online learning: Use Wellbeing Apps now free to use for all NHS staff:
- Unmind (mental health platform)
- Headspace (mindfulness & meditation)
- Sleepio (sleep improvement programme)
- Daylight (for worry and anxiety)


Online learning: NHS Practitioner Health has links to useful short videos on Doctors’ Emotional Wellbeing to help you understand range of reactions we can all have to Covid-19.


Quick read: Visual summary from NHS Education Scotland with information on Stress, Coping and Resilience in this pandemic..


Refer to: Somerset Local Medical Committee Pastoral support services and Somerset GP Safe House website 



Refer to: NHS Practitioner Health, NHSPH, Covid-19 Workforce Wellbeing pages for help and support including Wellbeing Resources, Support Service & Access to therapy, Events, Videos, Webinars & Podcasts, Wellbeing Apps.

Text: NHSPH to 8528 for 24/7 support in a crisis


Refer to: BMA guidance -Your wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic

Use an ethical  framework to  help me make challenging decisions


Refer to:  RCGP Ethical Guidance on COVID-19 and Primary Care which, provides a summary of the guiding principles of the Government’s 2017 framework informing the strategic aspects of decision making during a pandemic and is also consistent with the relevant BMA COVID-19 ethics guidance.

Keeping Up to date about Covid-19

Use online resources  to  keep informed and up to date


NHSE/I coronavirus webpages for primary care professionals


Refer to: Coronavirus (Covid-19) online programme created by Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH).


Refer to:RCGP Covid-19 Resource Hub


Refer to: BMJ's Coronavirus (covid-19) Hub


Online learning: SGPET Covid-19 online learning resources


Online learning: NB Medical education - regular Covid-19 Information podcasts

Managing other patient risks, conditions and problems safely and appropriately

Prioritise workload to maintain essential  patient health while safely deferring or altering other work


Refer to: RCGP Guidance on workload prioritisation during COVID-19



Avoid problems that any acute illness can cause to patients with  some long term conditions and on certain mediations 


Quick read: Red Whale GEMS -  Drug/disease pitfalls to avoid during any acute illness during COVID-19 epidemic

Give safe and effective telephone advice about contraception and abortion during Covid-19


Refer to: FSRH Position: Essential Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare  Services during COVID-19


Quick read: Red Whale GEMS-  Remote consultations: COVID-19, contraception and abortion

Continue to ensure effective safeguarding of children and adults during Covid-19




Update my knowledge and skills in Safeguarding Children


Update my knowledge and skills in Safeguarding Adults


Update my knowledge and skills about  Mental  Capacity


Quick read: Somerset CCG Safeguarding Covid Support Newsletter 27 March 2020 detailing


Refer to: Somerset CCG webpages- Safeguarding children, Safeguarding Adults and Children Looked After Team


Online learning: Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare, e-LfH  - Safeguarding Children Level 3 for maintaining and updating competences


Online learning: Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare, e-LfH  - Safeguarding Adults Level 1



Online learning: Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare, e-LfH  - Mental Capacity

Update my skills in adult resuscitation.


Online learning: Resuscitation Adult Level 2 - session meets the statutory and mandatory training requirements and learning outcomes for Resuscitation Adult Level 2 in the UK Core Skills Training Framework (UK CSTF).

Assess and manage common and important non-Covid patient problems and conditions


RCGP Essential Knowledge Update online learning programme is now freely available to all GPs until 30 June 2020.  


Red Whale - Lifelong Learning for Primary Care are now giving 3 months access free to all clinicians. If you are not currently a GPCPD member, follow the link and enter the activation code RWGIFT


Fourteen Fish Covid 19 Hub gives free access to whole GP library for all returning GPs. GPs returning under national scheme will automatically receive emails about this offer. Those returning via local scheme can obtain access via Somerset  Training Hubs